<%@LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT" CODEPAGE="1253"%> <% if Request.QueryString("action") = "send" then %> <% Dim formErrors, invalidFDate, invalidSDate, invalidDates formErrors = "no" invalidFDate = "no" invalidSDate = "no" invalidDates = "no" if request.Form("FullName") = "" OR request.Form("Age") = "" OR request.Form("EMail") = "" OR Request.Form("model") = "" OR Request.Form("fDate") = "" OR Request.Form("sDate") = "" OR Request.Form("pickupLocation") = "" OR Request.Form("dropBackLocation") = "" then formErrors = "yes" end if If Request.Form("addDriver") = "yes" then if Request.Form("addDriverFullName") = "" OR Request.Form("addDriverAge") = "" then formErrors = "yes" end if end if If Request.Form("PaymentMethod") = "Credit Card" then if Request.Form("ccType") = "" OR Request.Form("ccNum") = "" OR Request.Form("ccDateMon") = "" OR Request.Form("ccDateYear") = "" then formErrors = "yes" end if end if todayDate = date() todayDateYYYYPart = DatePart("YYYY", todayDate) if Len(DatePart("M", todayDate)) = 1 then todayDateMPart = "0" & DatePart("M", todayDate) else todayDateMPart = DatePart("M", todayDate) end if if Len(DatePart("D", todayDate)) = 1 then todayDateDPart = "0" & DatePart("D", todayDate) else todayDateDPart = DatePart("D", todayDate) end if todayDateSerial = todayDateYYYYPart & todayDateMPart & todayDateDPart If Request.Form("fDate") <> "" then fDateDate = Request.Form("fDate") fDateDateYYYYPart = DatePart("YYYY", fDateDate) if Len(DatePart("M", fDateDate)) = 1 then fDateDateMPart = "0" & DatePart("M", fDateDate) else fDateDateMPart = DatePart("M", fDateDate) end if if Len(DatePart("D", fDateDate)) = 1 then fDateDateDPart = "0" & DatePart("D", fDateDate) else fDateDateDPart = DatePart("D", fDateDate) end if fDateSerial = fDateDateYYYYPart & fDateDateMPart & fDateDateDPart If todayDateSerial >= fDateSerial then invalidFDate = "yes" end if end if If Request.Form("sDate") <> "" then sDateDate = Request.Form("sDate") sDateDateYYYYPart = DatePart("YYYY", sDateDate) if Len(DatePart("M", sDateDate)) = 1 then sDateDateMPart = "0" & DatePart("M", sDateDate) else sDateDateMPart = DatePart("M", sDateDate) end if if Len(DatePart("D", sDateDate)) = 1 then sDateDateDPart = "0" & DatePart("D", sDateDate) else sDateDateDPart = DatePart("D", sDateDate) end if sDateSerial = sDateDateYYYYPart & sDateDateMPart & sDateDateDPart If todayDateSerial >= sDateSerial then invalidSDate = "yes" end if end if If Request.Form("fDate") <> "" AND Request.Form("sDate") <> "" then If fDateSerial >= sDateSerial then invalidDates = "yes" end if end if If formErrors = "no" then ' ******************** move on ******************************* mailFrom = "FullName: " & request.Form("FullName") & vbcrlf mailAge = "Age: " & request.Form("Age") & vbcrlf mailFrommail = "E-mail: " & request.Form("EMail") & vbcrlf mailPeronalDetails = "PERSONAL DETAILS" & vbcrlf & "----------------------------------------------------------------------" & vbcrlf & mailFrom & mailAge & mailFrommail & vbcrlf & vbcrlf ' ************************************* mailLocalPhone = "Local Phone No: " & request.Form("LocalPhone") & vbcrlf mailMobilePhone = "Mobile No: " & request.Form("MobilePhone") & vbcrlf mailContactDetails = "CONTACT DETAILS" & vbcrlf & "----------------------------------------------------------------------" & vbcrlf & mailLocalPhone & mailMobilePhone & vbcrlf & vbcrlf ' ************************************* mailSecondDriverName = "Additional driver details: " & Request.Form("addDriverFullName") & vbcrlf mailSecondDriverAge = "Additional driver age: " & Request.Form("addDriverAge") & vbcrlf If Request.Form("addDriver") = "yes" then mailSecondDriverDetails = "ADDITIONAL DRIVER DETAILS" & vbcrlf & "----------------------------------------------------------------------" & vbcrlf & mailSecondDriverName & mailSecondDriverAge & vbcrlf & vbcrlf else mailSecondDriverDetails = "ADDITIONAL DRIVER DETAILS" & vbcrlf & "----------------------------------------------------------------------" & vbcrlf & "No additional driver" & vbcrlf & vbcrlf end if ' ************************************* mailVehicle = "Vehicle: " & request.Form("model") & vbcrlf if request.Form("addBabySeat") = "yes" then mailVehicle = mailVehicle & "Baby seat: yes" & vbcrlf else mailVehicle = mailVehicle & "Baby seat: no" & vbcrlf end if mailFirstday = "Pick up Date: " & Request.Form("fDate") & " | " & "Pick up Time: " & Request.Form("fTime") & vbcrlf mailLastday = "Return Date: " & Request.Form("sDate") & " | " & "Return Time: " & Request.Form("sTime") & vbcrlf mailPickupPlace = "Pick up place: " & Request.Form("pickupPlace") & vbcrlf if Request.Form("pickupPlace") = "Airport" then mailPickupPlace = mailPickupPlace & "Flight Number: " & Request.Form("flightNo") & vbcrlf elseif Request.Form("pickupPlace") = "Port" then mailPickupPlace = mailPickupPlace & "Sea Company: " & Request.Form("seaComp") & vbcrlf elseif Request.Form("pickupPlace") = "Hotel" then mailPickupPlace = mailPickupPlace & "Hotel name & address: " & Request.Form("hotelDet") & vbcrlf end if mailPickupPlace = mailPickupPlace & " / " & Request.Form("pickupLocation") mailDeliveryPlace = "Return place: " & Request.Form("deliveryPlace") & vbcrlf & " / " & Request.Form("pickupLocation") mailOrderDetails = "ORDER DETAILS" & vbcrlf & "----------------------------------------------------------------------" & vbcrlf & mailVehicle & mailFirstday & vbcrlf & mailPickupPlace & vbcrlf & vbcrlf & mailLastday & vbcrlf & mailDeliveryPlace & vbcrlf & vbcrlf ' ************************************* mailPaymentMethod = "Payment Method: " & request.Form("PaymentMethod") & vbcrlf If Request.Form("PaymentMethod") = "Credit Card" then mailPaymentMethod = mailPaymentMethod & "Credit Card Type: " & Request.Form("ccType") & vbcrlf & "Credit Card Number: " & Request.Form("ccNum") & vbcrlf & "CVV: " & Request.Form("ccNum0") & vbcrlf & "Credit Card Expires: " & Request.Form("ccDateMon") & "/" & Request.Form("ccDateYear") & vbcrlf end if ' ************************************* mailComments = "Comments: " & request.Form("Comments") mailSubj = "OnLine Booking :: SANTORINI" emailFromAccount = "onlinebooking@odysseys.gr" emailPass = "0dy553y5b00" smtpAccount = "mail.odysseys.gr" emailToAccount = "rentals@odysseys.gr" ' emailToAccount = "vadim@nidus.gr" %> <% set Message = Server.CreateObject("CDO.Message") Message.From = emailFromAccount Message.Subject = mailSubj Message.BodyPart.charset = "windows-1253" Message.TextBody = "ONLINE BOOKING :: SANTORINI" & vbcrlf & vbcrlf & mailPeronalDetails & mailContactDetails & mailSecondDriverDetails & mailOrderDetails & mailPaymentMethod & mailComments Message.To = emailToAccount with Message.Configuration .Fields("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendusing") = 2 .Fields("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserver") = smtpAccount .Fields("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserverport") = "25" .Fields("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpauthenticate") = 1 .Fields("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendusername") = emailFromAccount .Fields("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendpassword") = emailPass .Fields.Update end with Message.Send Set Message = Nothing set ReplyMessage = Server.CreateObject("CDO.Message") ReplyMessage.From = emailFromAccount ReplyMessage.Subject = "odysseys.gr > AUTO RESPONDER" ReplyMessage.BodyPart.charset = "windows-1253" ReplyMessage.TextBody = "Please do not reply to this message." & vbcrlf & vbcrlf & "_______________________________________________________________________" & vbcrlf & vbcrlf & "Your application form has been sent to our department. Thank you for using our agency. We will be in touch with you shortly to confirm your reservation." & vbcrlf & vbcrlf & "_______________________________________________________________________" ReplyMessage.To = Trim(request.Form("EMail")) with ReplyMessage.Configuration .Fields("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendusing") = 2 .Fields("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserver") = smtpAccount .Fields("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserverport") = "25" .Fields("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpauthenticate") = 1 .Fields("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendusername") = emailFromAccount .Fields("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendpassword") = emailPass .Fields.Update end with ReplyMessage.Send Set ReplyMessage = Nothing if err.number = 0 then Response.Redirect("thankyou.htm") else Response.Redirect("index04.asp?mailRes=error") end if ' ******************** move on END ******************************* end if %> <% end if %> <% if Request.QueryString("action") = "send" AND formErrors = "yes" then pageStatus = "0" end if %> Santorini Rent a Car - Odysseys Car Rentals


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<% If pageStatus = "0" then %> Please correct the errors below and submit again. <% end if %>

"yes" then %>style="display:none" id="addD"<% end if %>>
*Full Name : value="<%= Request.Form("FullName") %>"<% end if %> class="style189"> <% If pageStatus = "0" AND Request.Form("FullName") = "" then %> missing <% end if %>
*Age : value="<%= Request.Form("Age") %>"<% end if %> class="style189"> <% If pageStatus = "0" AND Request.Form("Age") = "" then %> missing <% end if %>
*e-mail :
value="<%= Request.Form("EMail") %>"<% end if %> class="style189"> <% If pageStatus = "0" AND Request.Form("EMail") = "" then %> missing <% end if %>
Local Phone No :
value="<%= Request.Form("LocalPhone") %>"<% end if %> class="style189">
Mobile No :
value="<%= Request.Form("MobilePhone") %>"<% end if %> class="style189">  
checked<% end if %> class="style189"> I would like to have an additional driver
Additional driver details
*Full name:
value="<%= Request.Form("addDriverFullName") %>"<% end if %> class="style189"> <% If pageStatus = "0" AND Request.Form("addDriver") = "yes" AND Request.Form("addDriverFullName") = "" then %> missing <% end if %>
value="<%= Request.Form("addDriverAge") %>"<% end if %> class="style189"> <% If pageStatus = "0" AND Request.Form("addDriver") = "yes" AND Request.Form("addDriverAge") = "" then %> missing <% end if %>
"Airport" then %>style="display:none"<% end if %> id="airport"> "Port" then %>style="display:none"<% end if %> id="port"> "Hotel" then %>style="display:none"<% end if %> id="hotel">
    *Model :
<% If pageStatus = "0" AND Request.Form("model") = "" then %> missing <% end if %>
*Pick up location:
Pick up details
*Pick up date:
value="<%= Request.Form("fDate") %>"<% end if %> class="style189"> Select date <% If pageStatus = "0" AND Request.Form("fDate") = "" then %> missing <% end if %>    <% if invalidFDate = "yes" then %>invalid date <% end if %> <% if invalidDates = "yes" then %> You should book a car for at least one day <% end if %>
*Preferred time:
checked<% end if %> class="style189">
checked<% end if %> class="style189">
checked<% end if %> class="style189">
Flight Number: value="<%= Request.Form("flightNo") %>"<% end if %> class="style189">
  Sea Company: value="<%= Request.Form("seaComp") %>"<% end if %> class="style189">
  Hotel Name & Address: value="<%= Request.Form("hotelDet") %>"<% end if %> class="style189">
*Drop Back Location:
*Return date :
value="<%= Request.Form("sDate") %>"<% end if %> class="style189"> Select date <% If pageStatus = "0" AND Request.Form("sDate") = "" then %> missing <% end if %>    <% if invalidSDate = "yes" then %>invalid date <% end if %>    <% if invalidDates = "yes" then %>You should book a car for at least one day <% end if %>
*Preferred time:
checked<% end if %> class="style189">
checked<% end if %> class="style189">
checked<% end if %> class="style189">
*Payment Method :
Payment details <% If pageStatus = "0" then %> <% if Request.Form("PaymentMethod") = "" OR Request.Form("ccType") = "" OR Request.Form("ccNum") = "" OR Request.Form("ccDateMon") = "" OR Request.Form("ccDateYear") = "" then %> missing <% end if %><% end if %>
Comments :
* required fields

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